Lets make this FUN : Share your favorite activity in CPX followed by #CPXCantWait, #CPXCountMeIn, #WeAreCheckMates and a cool shirt signed by Gil Shwed can be yours 🙂
Yesterday I had a fun discussion with some "CheckMaters" that attended to quite a few CPX events, on what their favorite session/activity was.
Allow me to share mine....
My first CPX event I attended (as a customer/partner working in NetVision) was in Paris (I think 2004).
I have attended every year since then (except 2 years when I was working for a competitor ).
I would have to say that every year my most anticipated part was Dorit Dor's Roadmap session. Seeing her deliver ~120 hardcore slides in 40 minutes was a testament for human feat . It felt to me like sitting in a "sermon " (yeah I'm a geek and a fanboy ).

My second favorite activity was always going to the "Technology Innovation labs" watching people from Check Point R&D live demo the latest and greatest in Check Point products and being able to ask directly the guy/gal who wrote the code, the most detailed and minuscule questions (to a level that one time @Oded Gonda asked me to stop), was definitely a highlight as well.
This year I have the privilege to be part of a team that builds the agenda (see details here)...
What I'm psyched most about is the choice given to attendees. At any given time you can choose to take part in one of 7 activities (4 Breakouts tracks (Architect, Prevent, Manage, CheckMates use-cases) , EXPO , Technology Innovation Lab , Hands-On Labs).