Dear Checkmates:
File Name : Check_Point_R81_JUMBO_HF_MAIN_Bundle_T77_FULL.tar
I firtst installed the Jumbo Hotfix take_77 in R81 Security Management Server sucessfully.

But Now both cluster members not importing the same file only getting below error why ?????
Below is the solution base on my observation but I want to know the Root Cause:
1. Change the browsers because we successfully installed the Jumbo Hotfix In Mgmt Server using Chrome browser and gateway we accessing using internet explorer that might be one reason.
3. Sometimes might be chances that hotfix Installation process stuck in between so the best part is use CLI method by transfer the package using SCP tool and then go to CLI to installed the Jumbo Hotfix and this one I already tested with multiple of customer environments.
5. If import is not happened then the best part is again download the Jumbo Hotfix package from GAIA WebUI and this will resolve the issue because after download using WebUI it’s imported already.
7. Check and cross verify the MD5 value because some time that might be a chance that file may corrupted so verify the MD5 value using MD5 application or other resources ,
Let me known everyone thougts.