Ok I just did a test. In my topology I have firewall gateway which is available for Endpoint VPN with office mode IP network Endpoint clients calling public IP of my firewall via Internet.
Without solution Endpoint VPN works fine as usual and when you check routing table doesn't contain any route for segment.
Let's apply workaround now. I added new static route for via default gateway next-hop.
(Note: Basically it makes sense. When default gateway won't be reachable or interface is down, static for disappear from routing table and can't be propagated via BGP as well. But when I haven't got internet, so no one from outside is able connect via Endpoint VPN, so there is no sense to propagate it as alive in the BGP as well.)
Now we have static route perfectly visible in routing table and we can share it via BGP. I tried to connect with test user and office mode worked fine as before with no change. Workaround works fine. Why? You can take a look on chain what is happening with the traffic when it goes via our firewall in case you have VPN active. You can see many actions regarding to VPN which are taken no matter on normal routing table, because VPN tagging take precedence. Firewall knows that is VPN traffic and local static route hasn't got impact on it.
GW> show route
Codes: C - Connected, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP,
O - OSPF IntraArea (IA - InterArea, E - External, N - NSSA)
A - Aggregate, K - Kernel Remnant, H - Hidden, P - Suppressed,
U - Unreachable, i - Inactive
S via X.X.X.169, eth1, cost 0, age 22919
S via X.X.X.169, eth1, cost 0, age 10
GW> fw ctl chain
in chain (20):
0: -7ffffff0 (f1850290) (00000001) tcpt inbound (tcp_tun)
1: -7f800000 (f294a520) (ffffffff) IP Options Strip (in) (ipopt_strip)
2: -7d000000 (f1858010) (00000003) vpn multik forward in
3: - 2000000 (f183dc70) (00000003) vpn decrypt (vpn)
4: - 1fffff8 (f1848d00) (00000001) l2tp inbound (l2tp)
5: - 1fffff6 (f294bcd0) (00000001) Stateless verifications (in) (asm)
6: - 1fffff5 (f2981ec0) (00000001) fw multik misc proto forwarding
7: - 1fffff2 (f1865ef0) (00000003) vpn tagging inbound (tagging)
8: - 1fffff0 (f183b250) (00000003) vpn decrypt verify (vpn_ver)
9: - 1000000 (f29c9c40) (00000003) SecureXL conn sync (secxl_sync)
10: 0 (f28f4810) (00000001) fw VM inbound (fw)
11: 1 (f296bbc0) (00000002) wire VM inbound (wire_vm)
12: 10 (f2908b70) (00000001) fw accounting inbound (acct)
13: 2000000 (f183c6e0) (00000003) vpn policy inbound (vpn_pol)
14: 10000000 (f29c7f30) (00000003) SecureXL inbound (secxl)
15: 7f600000 (f293fba0) (00000001) fw SCV inbound (scv)
16: 7f730000 (f2ad8920) (00000001) passive streaming (in) (pass_str)
17: 7f750000 (f2cd1320) (00000001) TCP streaming (in) (cpas)
18: 7f800000 (f294a8c0) (ffffffff) IP Options Restore (in) (ipopt_res)
19: 7fb00000 (f3072500) (00000001) HA Forwarding (ha_for)
out chain (19):
0: -7f800000 (f294a520) (ffffffff) IP Options Strip (out) (ipopt_strip)
1: -78000000 (f1857ff0) (00000003) vpn multik forward out
2: - 1ffffff (f183ab10) (00000003) vpn nat outbound (vpn_nat)
3: - 1fffff0 (f2cd11a0) (00000001) TCP streaming (out) (cpas)
4: - 1ffff50 (f2ad8920) (00000001) passive streaming (out) (pass_str)
5: - 1ff0000 (f1865ef0) (00000003) vpn tagging outbound (tagging)
6: - 1f00000 (f294bcd0) (00000001) Stateless verifications (out) (asm)
7: - 1ff (f2ee26a0) (00000001) NAC Packet Outbound (nac_tag)
8: 0 (f28f4810) (00000001) fw VM outbound (fw)
9: 1 (f296bbc0) (00000002) wire VM outbound (wire_vm)
10: 2000000 (f183ad30) (00000003) vpn policy outbound (vpn_pol)
11: 3000000 (f2a9d390) (00000001) ISP redundancy outbound (isps)
12: 10000000 (f29c7f30) (00000003) SecureXL outbound (secxl)
13: 1ffffff0 (f18498b0) (00000001) l2tp outbound (l2tp)
14: 20000000 (f183e6b0) (00000003) vpn encrypt (vpn)
15: 60000000 (f18505b0) (00000001) tcpt outbound (tcp_tun)
16: 7f000000 (f2908b70) (00000001) fw accounting outbound (acct)
17: 7f700000 (f2cd3770) (00000001) TCP streaming post VM (cpas)
18: 7f800000 (f294a8c0) (ffffffff) IP Options Restore (out) (ipopt_res)
Hope it will help you.