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VPN Service is down

Installed successfully, I was able to connect the whole day. After regular shutdown at the end of my work day I started my laptop the next day and wasn´t able to connect. I tried a lot the next two days to find the answer but I didn´t succeed. Here´s the log when I started my laptop today. I don´t get the vpn service running. Maybe due to a corrupt registry entry ?!?


[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_eventLogHandler::Diagnostic_eventLogHandler::writeEventToLog(s)] __start__
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_eventLogHandler::Diagnostic_eventLogHandler::writeEventToLog(s)] __end__ Total: 0 milliseconds.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][TR_CONN_MANAGER] diagnostic_reporter: entering...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][TR_CONN_MANAGER] TR_CONN_MANAGER::CreateAndSendNotification: TrEventManager is not ready yet - ignore this notification - return
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::_report_event(s)] __end__ Total: 0 milliseconds.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::report_helpdesk_event_1(s)] __end__ Total: 0 milliseconds.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][TracService] Software\CheckPoint\TRAC\5.0 exists - no need to backup
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::getDefaultPolicyValue()
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][TR_OVERSITE] TR_OVERSITE::CreateConfigmanager: chose single user mode
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::create: __start__ 6:34:24.948
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::ConfigurationManager: __start__ 6:34:24.948
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::init(): __start__ 6:34:24.948
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::load(): __start__ 6:34:24.948
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadDefaultParams()
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadGwParams(): __start__ 6:34:24.952
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][XmlWrapper] XmlDocument::Root: inside
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] Updated trac.conf.lastgood
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadGwParams(): __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 5 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadPtParams(): __start__ 6:34:24.957
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadPtParams(): __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 0 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadCpParms(): __start__ 6:34:24.957
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::loadCpParms(): __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 0 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::load(): __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 9 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::init(): __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 9 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::ConfigurationManager: __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 9 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] ConfigurationManager::create: __end__ 6:34:24.957. Total time - 9 milliseconds
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] langpack_filename return value LangPack1.xml, because it is Default variable. Scope: site NULL, gw NULL ,user USER
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][TR_CONN_MANAGER] TrConnManager::ReadSCUIAPIMode: failed to read mode from registry
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:24][CONFIG_MANAGER] language_index return value 0, because it is Default variable. Scope: site NULL, gw NULL ,user USER
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_OVERSITE] TR_OVERSITE::Create: Successfully loaded localization engine.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][MessageLoop] MessageLoop::MessageLoop::Create: Message Loop created
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][proxy_wrapper] ProxyWrapper::Create: Starting ...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_OVERSITE] TR_OVERSITE::Create: about to set proxy connections start / end CB
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][proxy_authentication] ProxyWrapper::setCloseProxyConnectionFwCb: done - 6443136
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][proxy_authentication] ProxyWrapper::setStartProxyConnectionFwCb: done - 6443088
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FEATURE_MANAGER] TR_FEATURE_MANAGER::TrFeatureManager::Init: entering...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][slim_utils] RaisDbGetValue: Trying to open registry: Software\CheckPoint\TRAC
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][slim_utils] RaisDbGetValue: Successfully opened key Software\CheckPoint\TRAC
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][slim_utils] RaisDbGetValue: Successfully read (REG_SZ) key client_sub_type with value EndpointSecurity
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FEATURE_MANAGER] TR_FEATURE_MANAGER::TrFeatureManager::isOfficeModeIsDisabledByUser: entering...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][ICS] TrFeatureManager::isOfficeModeIsDisabledByUser: couldn't read mode from registry
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][ICS] TrFeatureManager::isOfficeModeIsDisabledByUser: OM is not disabled in registry -> return false
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FEATURE_MANAGER] TrFeatureManager::Init: Office mode is NOT disabled by user -> enable ENDPOINT_SECURITY_TYPE features
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FEATURE_MANAGER] TrFeatureManager::Init: mOfficeModeEnable=true,mSplitDnsEnable=false,mLocationAwarenessEnable=true,mAlwaysConnectEnable=true,mRoamingEnable=true,mHotspotDetectionEnable=true,mFirewallEnable=true,mScvEnable=true
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::InitFirewallMonitor: entering...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::InitFirewallMonitor: loading library: C:\WINDOWS\system32\FirewallMonitor.dll
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:25][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::InitFirewallMonitor: lpFwMonitor_initLibrary returned true
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::InitFirewallMonitor: ERROR - lpFwMonitor_Start failed, try to wait for the service initialization
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_UTILS] WaitForServiceStart("vsmon")
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_UTILS] WaitForServiceStart: OpenService("vsmon") failed: Der angegebene Dienst ist kein installierter Dienst.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::InitFirewallMonitor: waiting for vsmon initialization failed
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::FreeFirewallMonitor: entering...
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_FIREWALL] CFirewallWrapper::FreeFirewallMonitor: calling lpFwMonitor_Stop
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][TR_OVERSITE] critical error: fail to InitFirewallMonitor, going down
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::report_helpdesk_event_1(s)] __start__
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [DEBUG] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::report_helpdesk_event_1(s)] eventDisplayType: 2 severityLevel: 1 userName: siteName: gwName: gwIP: eventText: fail to InitFirewallMonitor, going down
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_Id_Generator::generateId(s)] __start__
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [INFO] [Diagnostic_Id_Generator::generateId(s)] new id is: timeStamp: 1680150866, serialNumWithinTheSecond: 0
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_Id_Generator::generateId(s)] __end__ Total: 0 milliseconds.
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [COVERAGE] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::_report_event(s)] __start__
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][XmlWrapper] XmlDocument::XmlDocument: inside
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][XmlWrapper] XmlDocument::SaveString: inside
[ 5456 6116][30 Mar 6:34:26][DIAGNOSTIC] [DEBUG] [Diagnostic_EventReporter::_report_event(s)] new event after removing 0d0a:

<OBJECT name="helpdesk event" type="DiagnosticHelpdeskEventData">

<OBJECT name="idD" type="Diagnostic_RecordId">
<Field name="timeStampD" value="1680150866"></Field>
<Field name="serialD" value="0"></Field>

<Field name="dataTypeD" value="1"></Field>

<Field name="dataDisplayTypeD" value="2"></Field>

<Field name="userNameD" value=""></Field>

<Field name="siteNameD" value=""></Field>

<Field name="gwNameD" value=""></Field>

<Field name="gwIPD" value=""></Field>

<Field name="severityLevelD" value="1"></Field>

<Field name="dataD" value="fail to InitFirewallMonitor, going down"></Field>

<Field name="helpdeskRecordTypeD" value="-1"></Field>


0 Kudos
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

ah ok not a fan of w100 we're still on W10 for now, anyway maybe load msconfig as admin and tick the box to not load non windows services upon reboot, essentially SAFE MODE! now see if you can uninstall it ? assuming  msconfig is still there, maybe then you can d/l it, also keep an on compatible version of the endpoint security software .. from the knowledge base

View solution in original post

0 Kudos
9 Replies

What version of client installed on what operating system?

0 Kudos

windows 11, vpn version 98.61.4017

0 Kudos

That corresponds to E86.51 per:
If you're on Windows 11 2H22, then this version is not supported and you will need to upgrade.
Please install E87.20 from: 

If you're still having issues after this, recommend a TAC case: 


0 Kudos

the user center/partnermap ist actually not available.

I installed the new version E 87.20 Build 986104605. Still the same error.
I first updated the former version. Same error.
Then I tried to uninstall the client. I didn´t come to an end. So I had to cancel the Uninstaller via Task manager.
Boot.  Repair installation. I got six error messages with (existing) registry entries which cannot be written. I have admin rights and I compared the entries with an existing installation on a colleague´s laptop.

I think, a clean uninstall would be helpful. Completely manually, if necessary. The first installation with the outdated version worked after the first install by the way. For one day. On the seconday after a normal shutdown and restart, the error came up for the first time.



0 Kudos

Please contact the TAC to assist:

0 Kudos

Try using the Microsoft uninstaller tool its kind of the opposite of add/remove programs, download the trouble-shooter and select uninstall and wait for the checkpoint to appear in the list of removal programs and remove it, revo uninstaller is another one but not sure if its free. worked for when removing the checkpoint 

0 Kudos

I tried the uninstaller took although it´s not recommended for Windows 11. And the free version of the revo uninstaller. 

This is how it looks like. I´m still able to cancel it but the uninstall process doesn´t stop even when I push the cancel button.

I can close revo but still have to kill the check point uninstall task via task manager.

2023-04-06 08_30_14-Task-Manager.png

2023-04-06 08_22_46-Revo Uninstaller 2.4.4.jpg

It think it has something to do with the registriy entries uploaded in my last post here above. I cannot delete or overwrite them. I have admin rights on my laptop and the regedit is always run in admin mode.

0 Kudos

ah ok not a fan of w100 we're still on W10 for now, anyway maybe load msconfig as admin and tick the box to not load non windows services upon reboot, essentially SAFE MODE! now see if you can uninstall it ? assuming  msconfig is still there, maybe then you can d/l it, also keep an on compatible version of the endpoint security software .. from the knowledge base

0 Kudos

Nope. But now I don´t need your vpn tool anymore. The former connection works again.

0 Kudos


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