Hi, colleagues!
Sorry for my bad English.
There are two servers - SMS + EPS and external server EPS. All servers are installed on version R80.30.
The server with SMS was upgraded to version R80.40. I cannot upgrade the external server PS because it is located in the cloud MS Azure.
After upgrading SMS+EPS to version R80.40, external server PS cannot synchronize with primary server.
Shows an error in external server PS:
[Date-Time] ERROR Dispatcher-Thread-9 - Error performing sync with EPS (ConnectionPointStateMachine)
com.checkpoint.uepm.connectionpoint.ProcessEPSRequestException: Error forwarding request to EPS: HTTP error code: 500. Error Message: Server Exception: TICKET_NUMBER = 962113446. Can't perform a synchronization with EPS because the CPs version doesn't match EPS version.
EPS version: 80.40.0, CP version: 77.30.2
The value in field #TICKET_NUMBER is new every time.
I repeated the test on clean servers configurations. I installed SMS + EPS on version R80.40, the first PS external server on version R80.40, the second PS exteranal server on version R80.30.
I received exactly the same error on the second PS server and the first server of the PS worked normally.

In the left window server PS on version R80.40, in the right - R80.30
Left window - PS 80.40, right window - PS R80.30