Hi Team,
OS: GAIA R80.20
Client Package : E80.96 , E81.00 ,E80.97
Windows Machine (Test): Windows 10 Pro, Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8 Pro
Jumbo HotFix: Take_47
Tools Name: knowbe4
Link: https://www.knowbe4.com/ransomware
KB: https://support.knowbe4.com/hc/en-us/articles/229040167
Issue: When I ran this application and start scanning then see some different results.
Results 1: Windows 7 with E81.00 package, Suddenly Anti-Malware blade is not worked and we unable to find the SAB agent on the taskbar.
Results 2: Windows 10 and 8 with E80.96 package, The application is started initially but suddenly it terminated but we got 4 results and it's showing checkpoint SBA is not venerable. (Reason: Maybe SBA behave kowbe4 application done some unknown activity so SBA terminate this application).

I exclude the three process "Ranstart.exe", "Starter.exe" and "Collector.exe".

Then again I start scanning and see the below results after scanned completed.

Out of 14, 4 is showing vulnerable.
Anti Malware version: 201906191126

Still, I need to check whether SBA is able to block those Ransomware or not but pls requesting everyone to look into this. I am sure that SBA will block those ransomware.