We got the following message when doing the Installer Verify checks prior to a Jumbo Hotfix install on our R80:10 Open Server Security Gateway
Installation is allowed but with additional text about file differences
Is this just an Informational message or do we need to be concerned?
We backed out of applying until we could clarify the message
Thank you
ESMFWE01> installer verify 1
Info: Initiating verify of Check_Point_R80_10_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T189_sk116380_FULL.tgz...
Interactive mode is enabled. Press CTRL + C to exit (this will not stop the operation)
Result: Installation is allowed. Relation between the installed packages and the verified package: * R80_10_JUMBO_HF contains files whose content is contained in the verified package, and additional files that are not present in the verified package. * R80_10_New_Image contains files whose content is contained in the verified package, and additional files that are not present in the verified package.