Thanks for that.
We've been playing around with E80.71 on 10.13.x, and in conjunction with Centrify for AD bind we had to settle for the following:
Filevault for FDE
E80.71 without FDE blade
Logging in with local accounts only
If you log in with a Centrify network managed account, for some reason the VPN blade software does not work at all. The configured site is not visible, and none of the buttons on that blades GUI work. Log in with a local account and the site is visible and the buttons work.
In the configuration above we can still use Centrify to enforce settings for the machine account but not the user accounts, which is not ideal and we must also manage FDE separately as well....but we can deploy machines.
So having made this small step its a litle disappointing to hear that 10.14 may break all that again but I have not had the chance to confirm this yet.