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Download initial package failed

Hello friends, i have a problem with the ckeckpoint smartendpoint because it won't download me the package (endpoint installation file) which i want to install on different PCs. I get this error:

Downloading initial package (version 86.20.0119)

The package was not downloaded, make sure you are connected to the server.


I am connected to the server but i don't know why this happens.. Tried all the steps from here ( but nothing.. I still have the same problem.

I also had a problem downloading the latest packages from the checkpoint smartendpoint 1 month ago but than i downloaded them from the checkpoint site and imported them to the checkpoint.. But now i want a package which will predefine the virtual group configuration.. Please can you tell me what to do in order to fix this error? Thank you

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8 Replies
Legend Legend

Open an SR# with TAC - this is the quickest way to a solution !

CCSE / CCTE / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist
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Have you confirmed that the server really does have those installation files present?  If you performed a server migration, the GUI would show they are there, but they aren't actually on disk.

I deleted that version from my server not long ago, so I can't give you the GUID for it, but it should be in this folder:


I assume those GUIDs are the same for every release, but I don't know that with any certainty.  But you could do worse than attempt a re-upload of that version.  It may at least tell you if it already believes the files are present.

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i went now to that directory and the files are present.. The smart endpoint won't download them.. I guess the problem is there.. I will open a TAC to see if they can help me.

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Have you also tried uploading a version?  That way for sure you know it's there, then try to download a package from that new version.

0 Kudos

Hi KS,

Did you get to the bottom of this?

I have the same problem but in the R81 Harmony Endopoint Portal.

I am trying to Download (export_ an E86.26.608 version package from an R81 EPM server but keeps failing with error (Failed - Network error).

Busy troubleshooting it now.



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It may be related but I had a recently opened ticket regarding this, I believe.  Essentially you cannot export Windows Endpoint packages from the web interface, nor can you upload them.  You need to use the Endpoint native console for those operations.  You can however export Mac Endpoint packages.

This is in the documentation for R81.10.




0 Kudos

Thanks. The same Notes appear in the R81 Web Console admin guide.

I am trying the Dynamic Package download. That is supported (as per the notes).
Dynamic Packages (self extracting executables) is the recommended package.

There is a Package Repository in the Harmony Endpoint Web Management portal and dynamic packages can be uploaded in there (Policy > Export Package > Package Repository > + ).
From there a new exportable package can be created and then can be downloaded (or at least it should be downloadable).

Testing so far:

It looked like my problem may have been caused by the Chrome browser (version 108.0.5359.71). Error message was from Chrome and not CP. I just updated it to 108.0.5359.95.

Edge browser worked first time, but has also failed twice 2/3 times now (with error Couldn't download - Network issue).

I will have to do some more testing.

Bit of a pain that the download takes a while to Prepare the package before the Download option appears, every time the Download button is used.
Why does it 7z prepare the package each time? <-- Question for R&D there.





I am using Dynamic packages. They are supported and recommended.

The browsers (Chrome and Edge) may be part of the problem for me. Intermittent failures. Trying updates to browsers.

Testing takes time. Package preparation and download is slow.
Would be good to know, from R&D, why it does the 7z preparation happen each and every time an unchanged package is exported.




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