Hi @PhoneBoy,
Just to clarify, are you suggesting that I set up all the VPN sites that we need to push to the CheckPoint client on a test Mac, then export the final trac.config file and distribute it to all devices?
I have tried this, and it appears to work well.
However, I’m facing another issue and would appreciate your assistance with it:
Occasionally, we need to add or remove VPN sites and deploy the updated trac.config file to our Macs.
I followed the same procedure, added a couple of VPN sites, and attempted to distribute the updated file. However, when trying to replace the trac.config file on Macs that already had the client installed, I encountered an issue where the file could not be replaced.
What's the correct way to stop the service before deploying the updated trac.config file to ensure the replacement goes smoothly?
Thank you.