Hi All,
I had some feedback, saying there’s a lack of understanding of the Endpoint release plans, so let me explain… (Yes, we’re historically not the best as marketing and communications!)
First a little history lesson:
For those that remember, Endpoint installs were released on the same sort of frequency as Network releases. You can see all releases documented here: sk117536.
However, around 2017, with the rise of Ransomware, R&D appreciated very much, that the world changed too fast, and to ensure our agent could proactively maintain its ability to prevent, a monthly release was necessary.
This allowed us to add features, and always aim to keep ahead of the bad guys (with new features, like Anti Ransomware, Behavioural Guard, Anti Exploit, PowerShell malware based prevention etc.) – this is our DNA – to give the best security.
This change definitely gave us more features, but, with anything, with a much shorter time to General Availability, and more “moving parts”, the opportunity for bugs to be introduced increased.
As part of an overlay team in CHKP, our team provides feedback, every 6 months to R&D in Tel Aviv, and they do listen! We said - Customers felt they had to upgrade, and felt there were too many versions to maintain.
What we do now:
Today, we now, where possible, let you upgrade with no reboot, definitely reducing end user impact. Their aim is to have Endpoint upgrade, just like Chrome does – silently if you want to (no, I have no idea what Chrome version I am running).
We also got R&D to provide 2 “channels” – recommended, and latest – see the info in the SK above.
E80.96 is the current recommended version.
However, there are numerous fixes (but also new features, which always carry the potential for bugs) in E81.10, and E81.20. Such as the ability to support newer Windows versions.
So, we can see E81.10, and then E81.20 are the latest versions.
R&D release 2 “latest” versions, and then a new recommended version. So, as an example, E81.30 (the next expected recommended version) is just E81.20, with 10+ significant fixes included (the number of fixes can change).
If you prefer to stick to fewer updates, but less features, then the recommended updates channel is the one for you.
I hope this helps!
Tom Kendrick | EMEA Customer Success Manager & Evangelist – Office Of the CTO
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.