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The default user name and password doesn't work to connect to CLI after GAIA OS R77.3 installation. What to do ?

I would installe a cluster XL (with vSEC VE) but the synchronisation between the two gateways failed.

So I want use CLI to try to fix my problem but the default user name and password (admin and admin) doesn't work. 

Any idea ?

6 Replies

Thanks for your response but I don't have access to this solution.

("To view this solution, higher access level is required.")


I guess that SK won't work since it's internal--apologies for not checking that before I posted it.

A cleaner approach, assuming you can still push policy to the gateway, would be the following: How to remotely reset Admin / Expert password on a Security Gateway from a Security Management Serve... 

If you can't access this SK, please contact our TAC: Contact Support | Check Point Software 

Employee Employee

Hi Cyprien,

Note that during the first time wizard a new admin password has to be configured. If you are configuring a ClusterXL, then I assume the first time wizard was done. If this is the case, the default admin password may not be the good one 🙂


Hi Victor,

Thank you ! You are right. But I had already try and it didn't work.

However I find the problem. It seems that under vSphere's console the keyboard is inverted (azerty/qwerty).

So by paying attention of which password I choose in the first time wizard, it's all good !

Employee Employee

Happy to hear that!

I remember that I had a similar issue in the past trying to authenticate with a user that I configured in a remote Domain Controller. It took me several hours until I realized that the keyboard of the remote server was different Smiley Happy


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