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Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

Improving CloudGuard IaaS SKs

Hello Everyone,


Have you tried to deploy a CloudGuard IaaS solution and had a hard time? The SK was unclear? Had to ask someone to help you get it up and running?

I'm trying to find examples where the existing CloudGuard IaaS SKs were insufficient in helping you deploy the solution - either because your use case was complicated, or because the SK didn't go into enough details or was too hard to follow.

I'm trying to see if there are features or use cases where a video guide/walkthrough might help make a challenging solution SK easier to deploy.


If you have personal examples which you can share or ideas on how to improve existing SKs, please share them with us.


Help us improve Smiley Happy


5 Replies

Hi Yonatan,


Thanks for your constant push to improve cloud guard products. Usually the SK's generally discuss an ideal scenario and sometimes not based on customers use cases.

R80.10 Deployment guide, it says the template will deploy two new subnets, it doesn't mention if it will let the users to deploy the clusters in an existing VNET and front and backend subnets

Another example is CDT sk111158. I am trying to see if I can use CDT for Azure CloudGuard IaaS clusters, but it doesn't provide more information

Under limitations, it mentions, CDT supports only CloudGuard for NSX Security Gateways. 
Note: CDT recognizes each CloudGuard for NSX Security Gateway as a single Security Gateway, so do I have to assume it wont work for Azure IaaS clusters 

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

Hello Chandhrasekar,


First off - thank you for your feedback!

Regarding your comment about the CDT - the CDT is supported in Azure. The SK is indeed unclear, and I've passed your comment along to the SK owner we'll address this item.


Regarding your first comment about the HA solution - I'd appreciate some clarification. I looked at the solution and under "Step 1: Deploy with a Template in Azure" I found the following note:

Important - If you deploy the solution to an existing Virtual Network, confirm that there is an NSG associated with the frontend subnet that allows all inbound and outbound TCP and UDP traffic. An NSG is necessary to connect to Cluster Members successfully.


Is it because this note was at the bottom of the page? I've spoken to the SK owner and we'll move the note so that's it's easier to notice.

I'll also suggest a rewording of the text to make it clearer.

Is there anything else you can suggest?




Thanks for the reply. Glad to know CDT can support Azure clusters. We will use them for patching our gateways


Yes, I missed this section. Thanks for clarifying.

Important - If you deploy the solution to an existing Virtual Network, confirm that there is an NSG associated with the frontend subnet that allows all inbound and outbound TCP and UDP traffic. An NSG is necessary to connect to Cluster Members successfully.




Not sure if it is mentioned in the latest iteration of the SK, but it used to be that if we are to deploy AWS IaaS from the templates in the SK in the AWS account that DID NOT yet accepted Check Point's terms and conditions, the Cloud Formation would fail and you'd have to dig through its logs to figure out what was wrong.

Wouldn't be a bad thing to implement agreement check in the playbook and automatically prompt to accept terms and conditions as a part of a workflow.

Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

Hello Vladimir,

Thanks for your feedback!

This information is mentioned in our deployment guide (if you find one where it's missing please let us know).

Your suggestion to add it to the template is a good one, but unfortunately, this is actually something that is forced on us by AWS.

However, there is a way to make it easier to find the reason for the failure.


Often times the difficulty is from the fact that the errors are saved in nested stacks which are deleted, making the debugging process much harder.

However, if you check the upper right corner of your CloufFormation-Stacks page you'll notice that there is a filter option.

You can simply search through your deleted stacks to find the relevant error.



Please let me know if this information was helpful, and if you have any more questions or suggestions we'll be more than happy to address them!


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