I have a user that received a file that in the logs shows it had triggered TEX.
Using the panel on the right side of Infinity portal shows it has threat of Low, confidence High but
it offers no detail as to what the threat was. I don't find this of much value.
'Yah, there was a threat. We got rid of it.'
It would be nice to know what the threat
was so that our user could inform the sender they may themselves be infected with
malware. For businesses with close personal relationships and daily transactions with
one another this sort of thing is very important.
I see no way to drill down into the
threat for additional detail and the details provided offer nothing more than technical
mumbo jumbo about resource URL's, file hashes byte size and a vague Description.
I guess that makes this a request for additional functionality. Something
like Adware/TrackingPixel or EmbeddedWebLink/Graphic would be helpful in
understanding the nature of what was removed during TEX.