Hi Tim,
Thanks for having a look, the only noticeable thing in pdpd.elg is that their are no user associations coming in. I have killed the process and restarted the gateway, stuck at same.
I have also deployed an IDC, issue still same, a snippet of pdpd.elg is shown below.
Anymore thoughts is welcomed.
[25936 4106254096]@fw-xxxx-[16 Jun 1:19:49] [TRACKER]: #3478674 -> OUTGOING -> IDENTITY_REVOKE -> to pep: (ipv4); (ipv6), RevokeInformation dump:
Unique ID : cbdd72e9
Remove existing connections : no
[25936 4106254096]@fw-xxx[16 Jun 1:19:49] [TRACKER]: #3478675 -> OUTGOING -> IDENTITY_REVOKE -> to pep: (ipv4); (ipv6), RevokeInformation dump:
Unique ID : a5f1ee1c
Remove existing connections : no
[25936 4106254096]@fw-xxx[16 Jun 1:19:54] [TRACKER]: #3478676 -> INCOMING -> AGENT_REQUEST -> ip: , type: IDCLogEvent
[25936 4106254096]@fw-xxx[16 Jun 1:19:54] [TRACKER]: #3478677 -> OUTGOING -> AGENT_RESPONSE -> ip: , type: IDCLogEvent, result: OK
[25936 4106254096]@fw-fw-xxx[16 Jun 1:19:54] [TRACKER]: #3478678 -> INCOMING -> AGENT_REQUEST -> ip: , type: IDCEvent
[25936 4106254096]@fw-xxx[16 Jun 1:19:54] [TRACKER]: #3478679 -> INCOMING -> IDCOLLECTOR_ASSOCIATION -> Ip: x.x.x.x; User: ; User Groups: ; User Roles: ; Machine: bitlocker02v; Machine Groups: ; Machine Roles: ; Domain: xxxx.com; Source Type: AD; TTL: 43200; IDC IP: x.x.x.x