# Usage: Emulate-TransferFile.ps1 -TEFile Path-To-File -Action action
# action can be: upload, query, report
# return exit codes
# 1 == invalid arguments
# 2 == invalid action
# 3 == file invalid or does not exist
# 4 == AV only verdict without TE report
# 5 == Unknown verdict - report download failed
HelpMessage="Path to file to be emulated in TE.")]
HelpMessage="upload, query or report")]
# TE emulator API
$TEServer = 'FQDN of TE:18194'
$TEApiKey = '<our API Key'
# TE images to be used for emulation
# add multiple images by adding GUIDs seperated by comma to TEIMAGES variable below
# Look for currently available images using [Expert@cp-te-1:0]# tecli s d i
# Win10 64-bit, Office2016: 10b4a9c6-e414-425c-ae8b-fe4dd7b25244
# Win7, Office 2013: 5e5de275-a103-4f67-b55b-47532918fa59 (available)
# WinXP, Office 2003/7: e50e99f3-5963-4573-af9e-e3f4750b55e2 (available)
# Win7, Office 2003/7: 7e6fe36e-889e-4c25-8704-56378f0830df
# Win7, Office 2010: 8d188031-1010-4466-828b-0cd13d4303ff
# Win7 64-bit, Office 2013: 3ff3ddae-e7fd-4969-818c-d5f1a2be336d
# Win8.1 64-bit, Office 2013: 6c453c9b-20f7-471a-956c-3198a868dc92
$TEImages = "e50e99f3-5963-4573-af9e-e3f4750b55e2,5e5de275-a103-4f67-b55b-47532918fa59"
$TEImageRev = "1"
if (-not (Test-Path $TEFile))
throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "$TEFile not found."
# do magic byte check on filename
# ToDo: we need Get-FileSignature.ps1 from Skript Repository as psm1 on the Management Server
$TEFileType = Get-FileSignature -Path $TEFile
#We do not support Executables
if ($TEFileType.HexSignature -eq "4D5A")
throw [System.IO.FileFormatException] "$TEFile is an executable"
# we should have excluded all unsupported files and filesizes by now!
# calculate SHA1 from file
$TESHA1 = Get-FileHash -Path $TEFile -Algorithm SHA1
#Case Query (forums don't support formatting, the real ps1 is correctly formatted here):
$QueryBody = @{
request = @{
sha1 = $TESHA1
file_type = "zip"
features = "te", "av"
te = @{
reports = "pdf"
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://$TEServer/tecloud/api/v1/file/query" -Header @{"Authorization"=$TEApiKey} -Body (ConvertTo-Json $QueryBody) -SkipCertificateCheck