Hello everyone,
We've recently deployed a test R80.10 management server in our environment, and I've started working on a couple of scripts to automate routine tasks. I'm really interested in the run-script and install-policy modules, but I'm having difficulty getting either of them to work when making calls to the web API. Here's the code I've come up with:
$checkpoint_mgmt_server = "10.X.X.X"
# Disable certificate check
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$True}
$login_url = "https://$checkpoint_mgmt_server/web_api/login"
$query_url = "https://$checkpoint_mgmt_server/web_api/run-script"
$creds_hash = @{"user"="admin";"password"="xxxxxx"}
$json_login_body = $creds_hash | ConvertTo-Json
# Login call
$json_login_response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $login_url -ContentType "application/json" -Method "POST" -body $json_login_body -ErrorAction Stop
# Assign the sid to x-chkp-sid for future calls
$chkp_header = @{"x-chkp-sid"=($json_login_response | ConvertFrom-Json).sid}
# Create a string array with test-gateway as the only element
$install_target = @("test-gateway")
# Build the query body for run-script and convert it
$json_query_body = @{"script-name"="test";script="ls -la /var/tmp";targets=$install_target} | ConvertTo-Json
# Call the uri for run-script
$json_query_response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $query_url -ContentType "application/json" -Method "POST" -body $json_query_body -Headers $chkp_header
Invoke-WebRequest : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
At line:1 char:24
+ ... _response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $query_url -ContentType "applicati ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
Query Body:
PS Y:\> $json_query_body
"script": "ls -la /var/tmp",
"script-name": "test",
"targets": [
I've tried everything that I can think of to get this to work (using a simple string instead of the string array for targets, using the UID of the gateway, etc), but I'm getting the same result every time. If I leave one of the required parameters off (i.e. targets), I get a 400 bad request error, and I can browse to the URL from my PC, so it appears to be available. I've been able to get other API functions to work correctly (show-simple-gateway), but these are of course the two I'm really interested in.
The management server is running R80.10, and the gateway is at R77.30, and I can run the demo commands from the Command Line/API button within SmartConsole on the management server without any issues. I've yet to get either of these web calls to respond correctly though, so I was wondering if anyone had any insight. Thank you!