Hello Everyone!
I'm trying to export groups from my SmartConsole to CSV file.
I ran this script via expert mode and it worked correctly:
mgmt_cli -r true show-group name "My_Group" details-level full -f json | jq '.members[] | [.name, ."ipv4-address", .comments] |@csv'
But when I'm trying to run this script via SmartConsole CLI it's failing.
This is the SmartConsole CLI I'm trying to run:
show-group name "My_Group" details-level full -f json | jq '.members[] | [.name, ."ipv4-address", .comments] |@csv'
And this is the error:
Error: The parameters of show-group command should be provided in pairs (key and value). You have provided an odd number of parameters which suggests that you are probably missing a parameter.
Thank you.