Hmm ..he might have a point here. I tried the same thing to a customer's Smart-1 Cloud and got what he got. When using -s for a session file with Smart-1 Cloud, the URL is to localhost and that breaks it. This only for S1C, tho.
@pgestido: You'll need use get the "sid" string from that session file and set that to your environment variable named MGMT_CLI_SESSION_ID.
With Smart-1 Cloud, preferably you would use an API key for authentication. You can set that with MGMT_CLI_API_KEY=<api key string>. But if you are using a username/password and it works, then you can do that.
You also need to set a few more:
From here, you can do "mgmt_cli login" (no other parameters needed, if you use the environment variables) . You can add --unsafe-auto-accept true to avoid having to accept the fingerprint manually. After you login, copy the "sid" string and set that to the variable:
MGMT_CLI_SESSION_ID=<sid string>
Next, you need to un-set the MGMT_CLI_API_KEY variable. From here on out, the session ID string holds the link to the login session.
When you're done, you can do "mgmt_cli logout", then destroy all those variables. I don't quite remember all of the incantations to do this on Windows, but you can take it from here.
Let us know if you still need help.