It all depends on your preferred way and language to write a script. The several offers that are available come with different backgrounds:
- SmartConsole CLI => basically a subview within the SmartConsole that allows you to run API commands and to execute stuff. I think this option is not really often used to run scripts, as you need to have access to the SMS via the SmartConsole in order to use it. [executed via the "command line" button within the SmartConsole]
- The mgmt_cli tool => a tool that comes with the installation of the SmartConsole, it is placed in the SmartConsole install directory, also often referred to as "mgmt_cli.exe". It allows you to execute API commands via [edit] batch or powershell and therefore from a client machine without the need to open the SmartConsole.
- Management CLI in Gaia => its the same as the "mgmt_cli.exe" with the only difference that this tool is part of the Gaia installation and allows you to execute API commands e.g. locally on the SMS (mgmt_cli commands can be included in bash script, to mention one example).
- Web Services => thats the most basic way to use the api, as it is the interface in order to access the RESTful API. You can basically send the required HTTP(S) POST information with the required information via tools like POSTman in order to receive the needed information.
The options "SmartConsole CLI", "mgmt_cli.exe" & mgmt cli on Gaia all depend on the web services base. They basically translate the commands into HTTP(S) requests and send them to the API in order to receive any required information. There are some differences when it comes to the actual API access. If you want to know more about that you can take a look at this thread, where I asked how the management api structure itself looks.
In addition, there are packages for specific language like e.g. python, that also include functions that can be used in your script, that basically translate into API HTTPS requests and enable you to work with the API without the need to manage the actual HTTPS communication (with session management etc.).
Hope that clarifies it for you 