Hi, In addition to all good recommendations you have received in terms of publishing 100 changes and upgrade the hardware to be able to use updateable objects, I would like to point you to add/set/delete-object-batch https://sc1.checkpoint.com/documents/latest/APIs/index.html#cli/add-objects-batch~v1.8%20 wich are API endpoints that where added in R80.40.
Batch API Significantly increase API performance in multiple object operations (add/set/delete).
- Object creation time reduced by up to 92% when compared to adding one-by-one*
- Object deletion time reduced by up to 87% when compared to deleting one-by-one*
*In the tested scenario of adding and deleting 256 hosts objects.
- add-objects-batch
- set-objects-batch
- delete-objects-batch
Here is an example of adding 250 hosts objects
here is an example of deleting host patterns
Please note that usually when calling mgmt_cli with credentials (without doin a explicit login) results in four different operations including Publish.
- login
- make change
- publish
- logout
Using the object-batch operation with mgmt_cli require you to do a explicit publish.
You can pobrobly be able to make more that hundred changes when using object-batch operation with out hitting any time out value as mentioned by Val, but the exact limit is dependent of your environment I suggest that you test with different number of changes in order to get to a value that suitable for your scenario.
Kind Regards