One of the things that all firewall administrators should do is to create a log cleaning rule. As an example, a firewall connected to a windows networks will receive a lot of network broadcast. Those broadcast will be drop and log by default on the clean-up rule. In the long run, this results in a lost of disk space.
To remove those broadcast from the log file and save disk space, you should create a rule without log at the beginning of the rulebase:

The BROADCAST_GROUP should include all the broadcast address from all your gateways:

If you have multiple gateways, this task can become very long to do.
I've created a script to help you automate this task.
The script gets all the checkpoint gateway name and IP, connect to all of them and issue an ifconfig command then create a CSV template for the broadcast objects creation:
1- Gets gateway name and IP from the management API and creates a CSV file
2- Connect to each gateway from that CSV and issue ifconfig to get all the Broadcast address
3- Creates a CSV template with all the discovered Broadcast
4- Create and Import all broadcast objects into a group named BROADCAST_GROUP (API call)
You will automatically gets all the broadcast address from all your gateways into the groupe name BROADCAST_GROUP.
You can run the script either from the Smart Console or from SSH command line on the management server itself.
Happy Scripting

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