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How do you find the name of an access rulebase?

I'm looking in the UI under "Access Control" and I see some different groups "Firewall Management", "Infrastructure rules," etc, and inside them are what I am assuming are the "rules" (DNS access, NTP access, etc). My question is: how do I identify which of these I need to reference when making a REST call for show access-rulebase? The API call requires only a name field, and so far everything returns 404. 

Full disclosure: I am not a networking engineer, we are just creating some automation to clean up firewall rules for server lifecycle management. If this is the wrong place to ask, I apologize. 

6 Replies

The "Firewall Management" and "Infrastructure rules" are what we call access-sections.

A rulebase is actually part of a layer.

To get a rulebase, you need to know what layer it is a part of.

The name at the API level may be different than what SmartConsole shows.

To get the layer names, you use the API call show-layers.

From that, you can see the actual name of the layer.

You can also see it in this screen in SmartConsole if you uncheck the "Show only shared layers" checkbox:


Thanks for the response.

When I make the API call for show-access-layers, I get a 400 bad request.

I'm using Powershell to do this:

$layerbody = @{
 "Limit" = "100";


$layerjson = $layerbody | ConvertTo-JSON

$layers = irm https://checkpointserver/web_api/v1.1/show-access-layers -method POST -headers $headers -body $layerjson -ContentType application/json

It returns the same if I don't supply a request body. Suggestions?

0 Kudos

Here's how I'm able to get the output of show-access-layers using curl:

curl --silent --insecure -XPOST https://mgmtip/web_api/v1.1/show-access-layers --data-binary "{ \"limit\": 100 }" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-chkp-sid: $SID"

Based on what you've done above, I'm guessing the ; is causing an issue.

Because when I include it in my call, I get:


  "code": "generic_err_invalid_syntax",

  "message": "Payload is not a valid JSON"


It's possible you're also missing the SID header, but I can't tell if you're including it in your headers.

0 Kudos

The ";" is required by Powershell when I set the variable otherwise it complains about setting something like "x" = "y", once you pipe it to the ConvertTo-JSON it goes away and looks like regular JSON. I am including the login SID in my $headers variable, it just happens earlier in the code. 

0 Kudos

What about the quotes around 100?

That would imply you're setting the limit to a string when it should be an integer.

0 Kudos

The L in limit needs to be lowercase is the first problem, capital L would give a 400 with json response describing Limit as an unrecognized parameter.


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