I've been starting to go more in depth with the Web Services API in R81.10 and to build some tools around it. I'm especially interested in something that could retrieve the VPN Domain for all VPN Communities since this is a common misconfiguration (think an equivalent of the ever-popular One-liner to show VPN Topology (VPN Domain) on gateways script)
First, the good news. I am able to get the VPN Domain for VPN Communities where the VPN domain is user-defined. Something like this:
If the VPN Domain has been user-defined, there will be an override-vpn-domains object with a list of gateways with the following attributes:
- gateway - object with the name, type, and ipv4-address of the gateway
- vpn-domain - network or group that is the VPN domain. Details can be retrieved with show-network or show-group
Great! Problem is, I can't figure how to get same for communities where the default VPN Domain is used. Root problem here is while show-simple-cluster and show-simple-gateway have vpn-settings -> vpn-domain in the JSON response, I don't see that for a VPN Community with an Interoperable device.
Is there a separate command go get the details for an Interoperable Device that I'm just missing? Or is it not possible?