what to do if you have two gw in cloning group ?
I get this error : This command belongs to a cloning group synchronized feature and therefore cannot be executed in normal mode.
- name: add user
command: "{{item}}"
- clish -c 'lock database override' -si
- clish -c 'set cloning-group-management on' -si
- clish -c 'add user test uid 0 homedir /home/test' -si
- clish -c 'add rba user test roles adminRole' -si
- clish -c 'set user test gid 0 shell /bin/bash' -si
- clish -c 'set user test realname "brede jensen"' -si
- clish -c 'set user test password-hash $password' -si
- clish -c 'unlock database' -si