Here you go - the FLAT rulebase:
1. create a policy package:
mgmt_cli add package name "my_policy" threat-prevention "false" -s id.txt
2. add the rules to the NETWORK (!!!) layer:
mgmt_cli add access-rule layer "my_policy Network" source "any" destination "h1" service "http" action "accept" track-settings.type "Log" position "1" name "rule1" -s id.txt
3. publish:
mgmt_cli -s id.txt publish
This is the result in SmartConsole:

Please pay attention that the Cleanup Rule is automatically created along with the package creation.
You can also add sections, like in R77:
mgmt_cli add access-section layer "my_policy Network" position 1 name "New Section 1" -s id.txt
mgmt_cli -s id.txt publish

Hope this can assist.