terraform plan give me this error.
│ Error: failed to execute API call
│ Status: 400 Bad Request
│ Code: generic_err_invalid_parameter
│ Message: Could not parse [<MyPublicIP>, <Zscaler IP>]
│ with provider["registry.terraform.io/checkpointsw/checkpoint"],
│ on main.tf line 10, in provider "checkpoint":
│ 10: provider "checkpoint" {
on the management server
[Expert@cpcgmgmt01:0]# api status
API Settings:
Accessibility: Require local
Require ip <Zscaler IP>/ <MyPublicIP>
Automatic Start: Enabled
If I allow ALL IP addresses ("Require all granted" as shown below.) in the API settings it works just fine. Any idea what the issue can be ?
API Settings:
Accessibility: Require all granted
Automatic Start: Enabled