They are kept there for revision rollbacks so probably not too smart to delete them.. But otherwise you would have to use dbedit commands as API does not show "hidden" networks created by automatic topology process. If you look at this bit "cdm_auto_calculated", true will hide the object from being visible in console / API

you can list all the "invisible" networks that are not used in any groups using this one-liner 
names=($(echo -e "query network_objects,cdm_auto_calculated='true'\n-q\n" | dbedit -local | grep "Object Name:" | sed 's/Object Name: //')); for name in "${names[@]}"; do if [ `echo -e "whereused network_objects $name\n-q\n" | dbedit -local | grep -c "Numebr of results: 0"` -eq 1 ] && [ `echo -e "print network_objects $name\n-q\n" | dbedit -local | grep -c "type: group"` -eq 0 ]; then echo $name; fi; done
It will be fairly slow as it's running dbedit commands. To delete you will have to replace last echo used to print out with
echo -e "delete network_objects $name\n-q\n" | dbedit -local
I would not run it in production without lab testing. Worked OK on some CMAs that i tried on