Hi Guys ,
I am creating an Automation script in Ansible to perform the Checkpoint R80.10 to R80.40 upgrade remotely for our 100 + remote sites .
The script is almost ready utilizing the Ansible shell (pre , actual upgrade ) & uri (policy install - post upgrade ) modules expect for this step -
HOSTNAME#clish -c 'installer upgrade Check_Point_R80.40_T294_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade.tgz'
Existing OS settings and Check Point database are preserved.
The machine will automatically reboot after upgrade.
Do you want to continue? ([y]es / [n]o)
Since , the checkpoint doesn't support Pexpect or any other similar module for interactive automation , Is there a way to pass the response (yes)to this command ??
I have tried to send the traditional Linux way --y , but with no luck .
@PhoneBoy -- Do you have any insight , tricks to get this done 🙂 ? Any clish / expert command to pass 'yes' , or any installer setting to force the default action as "yes" ??