Hello PhoneBoy. After some trying i created the access role. I used the command add access-role name "DIRETORIA" networks "any" machines "any" remote-access-client "any" users.add.source "PAINT.LOCAL__AD" users.selection "Diretoria" where PAINT.LOCAL is the name from my domain and where Diretoria is the name of my active directory group. A message was displayed stating that the requested object name [Diretoria] was not unique and that i should use the base-dn parameter to add the access role. Then i used the command add access-role name "DIRETORIA" networks "any" machines "any" remote-access-client "any" users.source "PAINT.LOCAL__AD" users.selection "Diretoria" users.base-dn "CN=Diretoria,OU=Diretoria,OU=MATRIZ,DC=paint,DC=local" color "yellow"