Hello everybody!
I wanted to add a new simple cluster object over the mgmt-API including a list of groups with the "add-simple-cluster" command.
However if i add the "groups" parameter with a list of group names as value an error occurs:
"Validation failed with 1 blocking-error -> blocking-errors: -message: One of the objects that you selected could not be linked."
I think the "groups" parameter is not expecting a list of group names.
I don't understand it because with the "add-simple-gateway" command it works as expected.
So does anybody know what the groups parameter expects and can provide an example? Because in the Management API Reference it only says "Object" as an expected value for the "groups" parameter, but i don't know what is meant by that?

Here is a sample json where i get this error:
"name" : <name>,
"ip-address" : <ip-address>,
"groups" : [list of group names]