From sk25977:
Starting in Gaia R80.10, the 5th byte of the Source MAC address (MAC magic) in all types of CCP packets is assigned automatically.
During the initial configuration of the cluster members, they apply the following algorithm to set the MAC magic value:...
When does the "initial configuration" happen? Is it when I run the FTW on the device (at this time I have not yet configured all interfaces) or is it the fist time I push a policy to the gateways, where they are part of a cluster? This is important as I have to share one VLAN with another existing CheckPoint ClusterXL setup.
If it is when I push the policy, can I be sure that the gateway (even if I enable clusterXL in the FTW) will not interfere with the other cluster(s) even if I configure and enable all interfaces? In that case it is important the the shared VLAN is connected to the new cluster first time I push the policy, so the other cluster's CCP traffic can be detected...
Thanks in advance.