All Oded_Awaskar's Badges

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Oded_Awaskar has earned 7 badges!
  • First Post
    First Post
    Earned by 16,444
    Congratulations on making your first post on CheckMates! We look forward to more contributions form you!
  • Conversation Starter
    Conversation Starter
    Earned by 1,514
    You have contributed 5 new topics to CheckMates. The community appreciates your continued participation and we hope you keep the conversation going!
  • First Kudo
    First Kudo
    Earned by 6,922
    Well done on receiving your first kudo from a CheckMates member!
  • Kudos of Approval
    Kudos of Approval
    Earned by 2,055
    You have received 5 kudos for posting content that CheckMates values. Keep it up!
  • Round of Applause
    Round of Applause
    Earned by 1,062
    You've received 10 kudos from the CheckMates community. You're making a positive contribution!
  • Well Liked
    Well Liked
    Earned by 400
    Congratulations on earning 25 kudos from CheckMates members! Your contributions are well liked by the community!
  • First Image
    First Image
    Earned by 3,502
    Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. On CheckMates, it's also worth a badge!