@Omer_Shliva , sorry for not making it clear. Let me expand a bit:
The specific server types have number of protections listed in the hosts's properties. I.e.:

It stands to reason that these server-specific protections will be applied regardless of what TP profile is selected and configured and will, in essence, create an "invisible rules" in TP policy pertaining to these hosts only.
What I am looking for, is the ability to identify these protections in the overall TP protections list.
I.e. check one of the server types in Filters and have these protections listed. If they are indeed override the profile-specific protections, to see some-kind of notation to that effect.
Additionally, when these protections are enabled, what would the logs identify them as? Part of the profile, if they are enabled in it, or as a server-type, host-specific protections?
Thank you,