Hi all,
I've created a IPS profile according to our needs and almost everything is working well, except of one thing:
In my IPS profile I've set the IPS protection FTP Bounce to Action: Detect

This works fine and a lot of logging information is generated. Most of the detected attacks are generated by a single external IP which is is unknown to us and fills up our logs.

Therefore I've created an exception for this single IP where I want to have "prevent" as an action for this protection.

I've tried several ways to create the exception (Protected scope vs Src/Dst) but for this IP the FTP Bounce protection stays in detect mode and the same logs as shown above are generated.
Do I miss something in general? Are there some priority levels which keeps the FTP Bounce Protection to be in Prevent mode for this single IP?
Our firewall cluster is on V80.20 while our Mgmt Server is on V80.30
Kind regards