As described in my IPS class, Core Protection/Activations are protections that are in a bit of a "no man's land" between Inspection Settings and IPS ThreatCloud protections. The only clarification I've been able to get about why Core Protections are handled like this is for "technical reasons". I suspect that one of the technical reasons was the ability to use Protected Servers definitions to more precisely control which defined servers would have these Core Activations applied to them. The Protected Servers mechanism is obsolete in R80.10+ due to the ability to apply different IPS profiles to the same gateway with separate Threat Prevention rules. Another reason might be that they are not typically just set to Prevent/Detect/Inactive and have various individual adjustments under a "See Details..." link; and also that exceptions must be added for each Core Protection individually. You can't add a single exception rule for a group of Core Activations or for "Any" of them.
Most of the Core Activations look like they belong under Inspection Settings to me since they are looking for various network protocol weaknesses.
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