See sk92264:
- User adds his indicator file which can be either CSV file or STIX formatted file.
- SmartConsole does basic validation for this file, for example it checks that the file is not empty and that CSV file is in the expected format.
- When uploading a file to SmartConsole, an XML file is generated for displaying purposes only.
- Security Management server gives an unique UUID for each Indicator file in the system.
Code Generation
- Prepares IOC metadata as a new fwset object called "indicators". This set contains each indicator's filename, SDB name, uuid, etc.
- Creates a zip file with all the indicator files themselves.
So, if you did add an indicator file, better save a backup - there is no export or report possibility available as you did generate the csv yourself...
CCSE / CCTE / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist