Hello Guys. Today I turn on the anti virus on Checkpoint Gateway. I watched a video on Youtube and config the profile like them, but the anti virus doesn't work. I config the Profile, In tab Anti Virus, File Type, I choose Process file type known to contain malware. After that, I go to CheckPoint threat wiki and test virus file but I still Download the file.

The Second case, when i choose Process specific file type families and config drop file "com". I go to eicar to test the virus file. It work with using standard protocol http, I can't download the file. But in using secure, SSL enabled protocol https, I can download the file. How can i block the file with using secure, SSL like the picture??

And the last question that is how can i drop the file that contains viruses? For Instance, a zip/rar file that contain the virus, the checkpoint will block it, but if it is a safe zip/rar file then, checkpoint will accept it.
Thank you guys so much. I'm a newbie so i have a lot of problems.
Thank you guys so much.