Hi everyone!
I'm do testing Anti-Bot software blade in R80.30 and found something that looks like does not work as expected.
The Security Gateway is able to block definitely with Medium Confidence but if High Confidence does not work and the site test is bypassed, please see screenshots and explanations below
Here are the URLs that I used for Anti-Bot test purpose
1st screenshot.
I have already enabled and configured profile on Activation Mode, both High and Medium confidence are Prevented, only Low confidence will be detected.
2.nd screenshot.
Test Anti-Bot with High Confidence by connecting to https://www.threat-cloud.com/test/files/HighConfidenceBot.html
( found nothing blocking from the gateway and any logs ) The user could access the site.
3rd screenshot.

Test Anti-Bot with High Confidence by connecting to https://www.threat-cloud.com/test/files/MediumConfidenceBot.html
The Gateway was able to block this site definitely as expected due to this site is detected as a Medium Confidence level.
4th screenshot.

Test Anti-Bot with High Confidence by connecting to https://www.threat-cloud.com/test/files/LowConfidenceBot.html
The Gateway was able to detect this site definitely as expected due to this site is detected as a Low Confidence level.
5th screenshot,

Test Anti-Bot with High Confidence by connecting to http://sc1.checkpoint.com/za/images/threatwiki/pages/TestAntiBotBlade.html
The Gateway wasn't able to block this site as expected. And from the logs found it appears to redirect an action
My question is why does the security gateway is not able to block the site https://www.threat-cloud.com/test/files/HighConfidenceBot.html and http://sc1.checkpoint.com/za/images/threatwiki/pages/TestAntiBotBlade.html?
Anyone has any ideas on this.
Really appreciate every comment.