Hello All,
I'm trying to troubleshoot why "ips stat" in my vSystem gives me the following result :
[Expert@FW-VSXGW_1:1]# ips stat
IPS Status: Enabled
Failed to read IPS profiles
IPS Update Version: 0
Global Detect: Off
Bypass Under Load: Off
Double-clicking SmartLog entry for vSystem with blade:IPS filter gives us the following message in the vSystem:
- Failed to update new protections details
Our setup is as follows:
- MDS in HA;
- VSX GW is installed in a different Domain where vSystem is running on;
- Blades were activated in vSystem gateways only. Not in the VSX;
- Only after applying the Threat Prevention Policy for the first time, the vS removed the IPS alarm;
- SmartConsole has a proxy-connection towards the internet to update Threat Prevention DB, not the MDSs;
- We have other Gateways(not VSX) , that don't have access to internet, and still they are updated via SmartConsole->MDS->GW;
- No errors/drops between VSX GW and the DMS (CMA);
Following the sk106496:
Any idea why I'm having this issue ? Any ideas for troubleshoot ?
Thanks in advance,
Bruno Petrónio