Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
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Community Highlights
Here are the top threads from the past week:
As promised in the Security Visibility Best Practices with SmartEvent TechTalk, Oren Koren has made available the "Cyber Kill Chain" SmartEvent report for R80.10.
A thread on setting up a separate log server in R80.10, which you might want to do in larger environments.
To tide you over until our TechTalk on CDT and Blink, we provide a video overview of ISOmorphic and Blink.
People are definitely interested in R80.20. This is the list of features in an EA release and may not be final.
$FWDIR/conf/masters is still a thing
Useful script that queries the various gateways that are managed to get a complete inventory of what's running what.
A "best practices" and "what's possible" discussion (not entirely Check Point specific, but useful none the less).
Explanation of a concept that might look confusing when you start adding policy layers.
Upcoming Events
Here's what's coming up in the next few weeks: