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This Week in CheckMates 7 April 2018

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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!

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Community Highlights

Here are the top threads from the past week: 

As promised in the Security Visibility Best Practices with SmartEvent‌ TechTalk, Oren Koren‌ has made available the "Cyber Kill Chain" SmartEvent report for R80.10.

R80.10 log server question 

A thread on setting up a separate log server in R80.10, which you might want to do in larger environments.

Overview of ISOmorphic and Blink 

To tide you over until our TechTalk on CDT and Blink, we provide a video overview of ISOmorphic and Blink.

GAIA R80.20 Release Date And New Features?  

People are definitely interested in R80.20. This is the list of features in an EA release and may not be final.

Management Public IP redundancy 

$FWDIR/conf/masters is still a thing Smiley Happy

Security Gateway Inventory  

Useful script that queries the various gateways that are managed to get a complete inventory of what's running what.

How to deal with DNS over HTTPS, DNS over TLS, QUIC and PSOM? 

A "best practices" and "what's possible" discussion (not entirely Check Point specific, but useful none the less).

Editing Policy from no layers to 2 layers 

Explanation of a concept that might look confusing when you start adding policy layers. 

Upcoming Events

Here's what's coming up in the next few weeks:


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