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CheckMates Member of the Month for October 2017: Danny Jung

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Check Point is proud to name it's CheckMates Member of the Month for October 2017. Please join our volley of applause for Mr. Danny Jung!

The October CheckMates Member of the Month is Danny Jung, CTO at Check Point Partner ESC. Danny is a Check Point Know-it-all who loves sharing his knowledge with others. He has been one of the strongest contributors to the community providing advice to fellow members and actively engaging in technical conversations to learn more and stay on the cutting edge of (Check Point) security. Many thanks to Danny for his contributions and participation to help make CheckMates an educational, informative and engaging place to visit!

At his day job, Danny lives his dream and shares his passion for all things security. He leads a team of IT-Security specialists, focuses on technical consulting and coordinates meeting customers demands. Danny reviews security infrastructures, evaluates security risks and provides recommendations to customers. He also designs and installs security solutions together with his team to ensure proper implementation with best practice methods always seeking one goal: Customer satisfaction for long-term customer relationships.

Deeply familiar with Check Point products, Danny has been working with them for more than 15 years. As part of his on-going commitment to customer success, he is actively engaged in dialog with Check Point via the Check Point User Group (CPUG) and now CheckMates.

In his spare time Danny enjoys spending time with his kids Anton & Elly, explaining and exploring this world with them together with his lovely wife, Stefanie.

On behalf of CheckMates, we thank Danny for sharing his valuable knowledge with us! We are eager to see the next one to learn from, share with, and inspire other members!

Danny, tell us a little about yourself & what you do

I'm CTO at ESC, a Check Point 3-Stars Partner in Germany and co-leading a great team of security specialists and experts.

I enjoy doing technical pre-sales, security reviews and consultancy, design, architecture, optimizations, implementations, migrations, upgrades and support. I also do other security vendors, although on a lesser scale. I write technical articles for CheckMates, CPUG and and provide technical workshops teaching about IT-Security. Aside from my day job I'm a loving father and husband.

Tell us a little about your experience with Check Point

I'm working with Check Point ever since I started to work in IT-Security in 2002. I've assisted Check Point customers developing their IT-Security infrastructures throughout the years, scaling from local mid-sized customers to global top-tech companies. Besides training others I've also attended many Check Point events and workshops to train myself, even together with Check Point's Professional Services Team. I've helped develop Check Point exam questions several times and I'm certified with Check Point's top-level certifications: CCSM and CCSI.

Mikael Johnsson once told me at a Check Point Train-the-Trainer session that he is fascinated by how passionate I am. Thanks, I'm doing my job full-heartedly.

Do you have a unique deployment of a Check Point product?

My company is a RIPE NCC member, working with its own public IP addresses that are routed across the internet via BGP. Check Point considers our BGP routing implementation a reference installation in Germany. I think this is quite unique.

What do you use the CheckMates platform for?

Sharing experience, learning new things and staying in touch with other experts is very important to me. CheckMates is a great place where all this comes together. I enjoy discussing with Check Point professionals and even Check Point's own product specialists so directly. I'm always delighted when Check Point marks my comments and solutions as 'helpful' or even more as 'Correct Answer'.

Moti Sagey's "You Sir are awesome!!" responses in regards to my ccc script thread and my 1400 Appliance FAQ simply blew me away.

What do you like to do for fun? (Hobbies)

I really enjoy having a good time with my family. Hearing my kids laughing and giggling together means everything to me. I'm also having much fun when I'm able to help others with computer related tasks while I also enjoy nature and music, collecting memories, finding alternative solutions and just having a great time on earth.

If you could create any new technology right now, what would it be?

It would be a digital table with touch capabilities that is affordable for everyone. This would enable families to play games in a new form, enjoy photos and videos together, edit, tag and share them with each other, talk to distant family members and so much more. It would offer a completely new way to explore, learn and enjoy new things. I'm not talking about an upscaled iPad or Android Mobile, as this already exists. I really mean a new interface of connecting people together on the same table.