This is how the policy looks like.

etc, I have about 400 rules divided into layers.
This is part of the bash script:
mgmt_cli SmartMove_Create_Policy -s id.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
echo 'create package [--_policy]'
cmd='mgmt_cli add package name "--_policy" threat-prevention "false" ignore-warnings true -s id.txt --user-agent mgmt_cli_smartmove'
echo 'Layers: Creating 9 sub-policies'
echo 'create layer [---dmz_sub_policy]'
cmd='mgmt_cli add access-layer name "---dmz_sub_policy" add-default-rule "false" ignore-warnings true -s id.txt --user-agent mgmt_cli_smartmove'
echo 'Add rules to layer ---dmz_sub_policy'
cmd='mgmt_cli add access-rule layer "---dmz_sub_policy" comments "Intra Zone Blocking Enabled" action "drop" track-settings.type "Log" position "top" name "Sub-Policy Cleanup rule" ignore-warnings true -s id.txt --user-agent mgmt_cli_smartmove'
echo -n $'\rrule 1/3 '
cmd='mgmt_cli add access-rule layer "---dmz_sub_policy" source "any" destination "any" service "any" action "drop" track-settings.type "Log" position "top" name "Rule685" ignore-warnings true -s id.txt --user-agent mgmt_cli_smartmove'
echo -n $'\rrule 2/3 '
cmd='mgmt_cli add access-rule layer "---dmz_sub_policy" source.0 "---dmz" source.1 "EDS-RUN-_---dmz" source.2 "---dmz" destination.0 "--" destination.1 "--" service.0 "http" service.1 "https" action "accept" track-settings.type "Log" position "top" name "Rule556" ignore-warnings true -s id.txt --user-agent mgmt_cli_smartmove'
You can clearly see that it creates layered policy.
I did a get config output from Juniper ISG, so I have a CLI view.
I did use following settings, I have no NAT configuration in ISG config:

I have a workaround: I can migrate ISG policy to Juniper SRX format, then I can use xml file to migrate to Checkpoint, but please tell me if there is anything I can tweak here.