Hi all,
Having difficulty working out how to proceed with this particular VPN set up.
This is between an 1800 device running R80.20.30 and a 3rd party non-Check Point.
Phase 1 has no issues.
Phase 2 fails on 'invalid ID information'
When the 3rd party offers me 1 subnet only, and I change the remote encryption domain to that 1 subnet, the tunnel comes up instantly.
When he offers more than 1 subnet, and equally I put these subnets in the enc domain, the tunnel fails with the error above.
I believe if this was centrally managed/full Gaia, the solution would be to tick 'one vpn tunnel per subnet pair'
I cant find such an option on Gaia Embedded.
I also tried to create multiple VPN sites with a single subnet in each site, but you cant have multiple vpn sites with the same remote peer IP!!!