Appliance is 730 and fw is 70.20.87. I have enable the SSL inspection but the problem is some websites are not open such as https:\\support[.]kaspersky[.]com . I have created a ticket there also but the issue is still there. Even i have try to bypass it. But still not get success. Even CP support is trying but not get success yet. They are searching for more. It works with HTTPS categorization but not with SSL inspection.
This command run but no sucess yet. If some one knows , how to solve it. Please let me know asap.
ckp_regedit -a SOFTWARE//CheckPoint//FW1 CPTLS_ACCEPT_ECDHE 1
ckp_regedit -a SOFTWARE//CheckPoint//FW1 CPTLS_PROPOSE_ECDHE 1
ckp_regedit -a SOFTWARE//CheckPoint//FW1 CPTLS_EC_P384 1
Another issue-

And there are some websites which are showing not secure such as etc. This issue is same in SSL only. At the time of opening, its shows secure but after 10-30minutes start showing not secure. This issue is with some websites only specially with internal pages.