First of all I am happy to inform that the migration have been completed successfully!
No action was required from the users, except changing the login URL after the migration is done. All settings and devices have been seamlessly migrated to the new SMP system. If you are using "Zero Touch", do not forget to update the SMP URL. If you have still connected a new device to the old system, no worries, simply login to the Quantum Spark web UI directly or using "Reach My Device" and reactivate cloud services using the activation key from the new system.
The previous SMP will remain available for one additional month, and it has a link to the new URL. Unfortunately, we could not have kept the original URL for this migration.
Thanks for noticing the http/https mix-up in the alert on SMP Dashboard, it was fixed, even though it does redirect now.
Regarding the other items, you have tried to log in at a middle stage where the system was not ready yet. Please try again now, all issues have been resolved and the migration has been completed.
In the near future SMP will be hosted in Infinity Portal, soon you will only need to remember portal.checkpoint.com. You are more than welcome to participate in the EA of SMP in Infinity Portal planned to kick-off soon.
Feel free to contact me directly for any questions: yahavb@checkpoint.com