I think I am using a dashboard which was provided here in the community by @Kaspars_Zibarts or from the sk.
I am not sure if I modified that query or not however it looks like this:
system_network_interface_io_receive_rate{environment=~"Default", host_name=~"l999gnfw0101q-ch01-01", interface="TOTAL"}
The result I get from this query does not fit the results from:
asg perf -v -p and blade 1_01
cpview on blade 1_01
The query does not represent ther overall chassis thorughput, too.
Unfortunately it s hard to compare the results because asg perf and cpview are updating the values more frequently than skyline sends data to Prometheus (15s).
I think "system_network_interface_io_receive_rate" is roughly 2x the throughput on the SGM shown by cpview or asg perf.
I use the same query for 16200 or 26000 ClusterXL environments and there it looks like the values match between skyline and cpview.
In addition I receive metrics with the metrics name "system_network_interface_rx_throughput_bs". The represent exactly the same value but different name. The documentation does list this metric.
Any observations from your site?