I have a web application I'm trying to add to our Mobile access portal. I can reach the webapps log in page, which uses SAML.
The login process uses azure AD, and after that, redirects back to the web app home page. The page only partially resolves.
I have the web app set to use Path Translation, with cookie handling on the gateway.
I notice that even when it is set to path translation, the url starts as "https://sslvpn.site.com/sslvpn/PT/https://SomeApp.site.com/HomePage.do "
and after ~ 30s changes to
which indicates it has changed from PT to HT.
I notice in chrome developer tools it gets stuckon a "https://sslvpn.site.com/sslvpn/Portal/GetSetCookies" request
I've tried various combinations of translations and cookie handling without success.
Anyone have insight into this issue?