Attached below is a step by step guide on how to configure file share on Capsule Workspace:
1. On your Windows Server -> pick the folder you want to share -> Go to the folder -> Share with -> Anyone:
2. On your Windows Server -> Open SmartConsole R80.10 to login to the Mobile Access Blade Machine -> Go to Security policy -> Mobile Access -> Click on: “Open Mobile Access Policy in SmartDashboard”
3. In the Mobile Access Blade -> Go to applications -> File Shares -> New -> Write the name of the new directory (e.g. SharedFilesDir):
4. On the Mobile Access Blade -> In Authorized locations -> Click Manager -> New -> Host -> Enter the IP address of the Machine 1 – Windows Server -> Click OK:
5. On the Mobile Access Blade ->Go to Link in Portal -> Write the link path (you can use th IP) -> Give it a name that will appear in the CWS application:
6. On the Mobile Access Blade ->Go to Policy -> Add the directory to the policy:
7. On the Mobile Access Blade -> Click OK -> Install Policy
8. On Capsule Workspace Application -> Try to enter the new shared file