Just found this strings with "error" in $FWDIR/state/__tmp/FW1/install_policy_report.txt . Unfortunately, for now it nothing says me.
============== fwk atomic load prepare start ==========
16:43:04 2000195 InternalMsg FWInstallPolicyAppKernel ERROR cmi.c 1486
fwk_cmi_prepare cmi_loader: Failed to deserialize context 392. This may be caused by too many signatures applied to this context
16:43:04 2000096 InternalMsg FWInstallPolicyAppKernel ERROR fwatom.c 8364
fwk_atomic_load_prepare 'CMI' load prepare failed
16:43:04 2000080 InternalMsg FWInstallPolicyAppKernel ERROR fwk_install_policy_app.c 207
fwk_install_policy_app_load_prepare 'fwk_atomic_load_prepare' failed
16:43:04 2 GuiMsg FW1 ERROR install_policy_mgr_kernel.c 860
install_policy_mgr_k_load_prepare Policy installation failed on gateway. If the problem persists contact Check Point support (Error code: 0-2000195).
16:43:04 6000005 InternalMsg InstallPolicyMgrKernel INFO install_policy_mgr_kernel.c 998
install_policy_mgr_k_load_prepare_rollback_apps ===== kernel load prepare rollback start ======
16:43:04 6000006 InternalMsg InstallPolicyMgrKernel INFO install_policy_mgr_kernel.c 1073
install_policy_mgr_k_load_prepare_rollback_apps ====== kernel load prepare rollback end ======
16:43:04 6000007 InternalMsg InstallPolicyMgrKernel INTERNAL install_policy_report_kernel.c 519